Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Bring Back Daniel Faraday

I don't believe I'm alone in wanting Daniel to somehow be in S6. If the bomb did it's job (as Cuseloff put it at CC), then he should be alive and well. Of all of the new characters Lost introduced, he is my second favorite, behind Juliet. Ben draws a close third.

When they brought in Nikki and Paolo, my first reaction how could they do this, and why. Well the why was the Nikki factor and her short shorts etc...

Then, tptb brought in Naomi, Miles, Daniel and Keamy. I desperately wanted Keamy to die, and didn't care for Naomi, but I really liked Daniel and Miles - the latter getting some of the best lines in S4 and 5. Oops, forgot about Charlotte - does that tell you anything. I'm sure she's a good actress, just not Lost material.

So, in S6, I will just go with the flow, and accept all tptb decisions, and enjoy the ride, but please bring back our wacky scientist.


Capcom said...

I agree, Daniel must return!!!!

Altho, I would not mind seeing Keamy's big guns again, and I don't mean his automatic weapons, heheh.


pgtbeauregard said...


You so crack me up!! It looks like tptb are trying to get everyone out to Hawaii for S6.

I miss Boone, Daniel,Charlie, and wouldn't mind looking at Keamy again.

Capcom said...

Merry Christmas, PGT! Looking forward to when we all gather back together again.
